Our Dallas Arts District location will be closed March 3 through April 5 in preparation for upcoming exhibitions.

Saturday, May 25, 2013 - Monday, June 24, 2013

Previously on view at The Crow Museum at the Dallas Arts District

Untitled Photo by Arthur Fleischmann (Slovakian, 1896-1990, worked in Bali 1937-1939),  Photograph, 16½ x 12½ in., Collection of Andyan and Dian Ansberry Rahardja Dallas, Texas

Terang Bulan, or “Moonlight,” presents a selection of art from the Indonesian islands of Bali and Java. Brought together for a brief monthlong exhibition (on view for just one bulan, or moon), these objects help tell the story of the diverse arts that flourished in the kratons (royal courts) from the 18th through the 20th centuries. Batik textiles, sculpture, and paintings reveal the interconnected art forms that make up a visual symphony of aesthetic rhythms.

These artworks as a group exemplify the confluence of historical and cultural influences brought together in Indonesia over many centuries, combining traditional Javanese and Balinese imagery with art from India, Southeast Asia, China, and Europe, including Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, Christian, and animistic religious practices.

The exhibition also features a rare set of photographs taken in Bali in the late 1930s by the Slovakian-born sculptor Arthur Fleischmann. These images are portraits of Balinese village life, from artistic studies to informal snapshots to documentation of classical legong dance and topeng mask drama, all interwoven elements of Balinese art and culture. From the private collection of Dallas philanthropists Steven G. Alpert and Andyan and Diane Ansberry Rahardja.