Our Dallas Arts District location will be closed March 3 through April 5 in preparation for upcoming exhibitions.

Where To Park & Accessibility for Dallas Arts District and UT Dallas Campus Locations

Downtown Dallas Arts District

Please use the interactive Google Map below to find out more about suggested parking when visiting the museum.

As a reminder, members of the Crow Museum park for up to 2 hours free in the Trammell Crow Center parking garage with an active membership. Please remember to bring your ticket to the Crow Museum front desk for validation.

Trammell Crow Center Parking Garage price for nonmembers: Please note that the TCC Parking Garage rates may change.

Weekdays: $10 for 2 hours (minimum); $25 Max  | $10 after 5:00 pm
Saturdays: Daily max $25
Sundays: Daily max $25

View the ParkMe website’s information and parking rates for:

Museum Accessibility

How to reach the museum from the Trammell Crow Center parking garage:

  • Take elevators up to Ground level.
  • Exit the Trammell Crow Center by exiting the Brass doors towards Flora Street.
  • Go down the stairs towards the right.
  • Turn right and enter through the sliding glass doors on Flora Street.

How to avoid stairs:

  • If you’re coming from Flora Street: enter through the main entrance – the sliding glass doors nearest Flora & Olive Street. 
  • If you park in the Trammell Crow Center garage: take the elevators up to the Ground level and alert a security staff member that you will need to enter the Crow Collection via the ramp on the plaza. They will have a museum staff member open an alternate entrance for you.

If you have further concerns or need to avoid the stairs from the Trammell Crow Center parking garage, please let us know by calling the museum front desk at 214-979-6440.

UT Dallas Campus – the Edith and Peter O’Donnell Jr. Athenaeum

The Crow Museum of Asian Art is located on The University of Texas at Dallas campus.

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